WordPress website.
Search Engine Optimised

Advantages of Developing Your Website in WordPress

The WordPress websites are easy to crawl by web crawlers of search engines and that makes the WordPress websites SEO friendly. There are multiple free Plugins available to make your content SEO friendly as well as optimisation of your pages.

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Responsive Website Design
Responsive Sites

5 Reasons to Why You Need a Responsive Website

Today, Responsive Web Design (RWD) is no longer an option but a requirement championed by Google from April 21st, 2015. Google will punish your site ranking if your business website is not responsive mobile-friendly and rewarding websites that are fully optimised for mobile platforms.

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Content Marketing

Use AMP to rank faster on Google

AMP is a Google-backed project with the aim of speeding up the delivery of content through the use of stripped down code known as AMP HTML. Put simply, AMP is a way to build web pages for static content (pages that don’t change based on user behaviour), that allows the pages to load (and pre-render in Google search) much faster than regular HTML.

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Rank fast with HTTPS

Rank fast with HTTPS

HTTPS takes the well-known and understood HTTP protocol, and simply layers an SSL/TLS encryption layer on top of it. Servers and clients still speak exactly the same HTTP to each other, but over a secure SSL connection that encrypts and decrypts their requests and responses. Google recently announced that going on HTTPS will give you a slight ranking boost.

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